Chapter 9: The Wolf Doctor
This bit is fairly short, just a stepping-stone to the next. It's also a little melodramatic, a little poetic--a bit away from the feel of the rest of the tale. It should fall into place next chapter. Apologies for the long wait! \* \* \* \* \*...
Chapter 7: The Order of the Seraphim
Before we begin: I'd like to say that questions, comments, suggestions and ratings are heartily encouraged. It's what lets me know I still have people reading this! Thanks. \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* ...
Chapter 6: Black Knight
Okay, my apologies for the extra-long delay. I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again. I hope you like this, and as always: comments, ratings and suggestions appreciated! \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* He'd left her alone....
Chapter 5: The Shadows Do Whisper
Soft blankets tugged on Veronica's leg. She groaned softly, kicking out into the cool air, trying to rearrange the comforter, then withdrew her legs back under the cocoon of warmth beneath. She came slowly into awareness, not opening her eyes but...
Chapter 3: Silk and Lace
I apologize in advance for the super-long wait that my readers have had to put up with for this chapter. I now have my muse back, however, so here it is. This story is perfectly suitable for the faint of heart... for now. \*wicked grin\* It is also...