Whizzing,whirring spinning,turning sparking,flashing and gears spinning take it apart and put it back together twist that knob and pull the lever thats what a tinkerer is how very like a cat bursting with curiousity ooh!whats inside...
it's getting cold as the days are growing old the winter is coming the winter of the soul I wonder why as I wander by why am I so lonely when so many are near yet as I lean against the glass watching people pass for a moment its crystal...
Love and let love(lyrics)
Love and let love love is a beautiful thing that lies in the heart of change it doesnt care who you are it doesnt care about race life is precious cause life is short live it while you can no one knows whats at the end i dont know who...
Wrong Way(lyrics)
chorus---- Don't know what to do Don't know what to say don't worry then cause thats ok left way right way it dont matter so dont be afraid to go the wrong way * * * people are tragic but life is fantastic and its best traveled off...
Casting Circles
* * * Chorus * * * Cast my circles out throw them to the wind taste the night pull the spirits in * * * chorus * * * This new darkness it is wonderfull charging my power and filling my soul where we're gonna go I dont want to know...
Night of the Wolves
Night of the Wolves Across the moonlit forest below the trees of neverdawn shadowy shapes spring from rest toward the town of the light blessed once they were men in towns of their own but now they're bathed in sin blessed and cursed by...
The Darkness of Nyte
The Darkness of Nyte I suffer in the endless depths, another moment with many steps, and endless stairs, yet so few care so once upon a time, I wrote this very ryhme, to be heard aloud, yet not before a large crowd sadly I have been...
Short intro
"I knew i should never have picked that stupid book up" I muttered to myself as I dived to my left to avoid being skewered by the manticore's stinger. Normally I would be in my lab seeing if I could finally get my latest project to do more then just...