The Warning
Make no mistake, I do not write to glorify us. If I seem to do so, it is only because I am caught up in the emotion of memory. Which is all the more precious now. For I write so that we might, some day long from now, be remembered. I do not think...
Our Hjemkost
Welcome! Welcome home, brethren! Come, sit by my fire and listen. Warm your bones from Lady Winter's chill. Tonight is not a night for traveling. Wipe those sorry looks from your faces. You will find no condemnation around this fire. No sour looks,...
Tolkien's Fox
The fox made his way through the brush and the trees on his nightly hunt and forage. His mate was full with kits and he needed to provide. It was a fair night and he made no sound as he slunk along beneath the stars, alert to any signs of prey or food...
The Proposal
You'd think being a werewolf would be easy. Change on three nights every month, maul a few people, be the big, hairy boss amongst the flock. You'll probably die a violent, early death, but at least you'll have a sweet deal going up until then, right?...
She awoke to screaming. At first she was scared that she was dreaming. Then she was scared because she knew it was not. The voices were all too familiar, and adrenaline had cut through the fog of sleep like sunshine. She sat up and looked around in...
Make Me Like An Irishman
Lord, make me like the Irishmen, Let my reasons here be told: Passion to the Irishman Be worth more than a pot of gold. As he falls to the ground and weeps, For maiden fair and young, Let me mourn for Eden lost, And join his tearful song. ...