The Big Heist
The mouse looked left and right as he entered the room, it was hard to see in the dark, but the rodent's eyes were great to view through even the dimmest of areas. He moved forward cautiously noting that there seemed to be nobody around to spot...
Just passing by
The screeching beep of the computer was irritating even to the seemingly missing ears of Roy. The chameleon sighed, staring at the error box appearing on screen. He couldn't make sense of it, "Error trying to read from 0xFFFFFF", might as well say "A...
Unfortunate misstep
"Ugh, where is that dang shop." Roy grumbled, chameleon eyes darting left and right trying to spot the ensign he's looking for as he walks down the street. He wasn't too used to this city's layout, after only a day or two of exploration to map...
Waking up with Noma
Roy grumbled, he wasn't a morning person by any stretch, but today felt harsher than usual, his head hurt, feeling a deep pounding resonating in his skull. He forced a deep yawn to try and shake off some of the sleepiness but while trying to push...