Poem: Music of dragons
Music of dragons Poem by Noiratblack Dark is the voice, darker, much more than you think. It is bright, stronger, bringing earth do shake. Singing, through the night. Singing, the moon is so bright. Singing, dark clouds...
Poem: The message of an Otherkin to the World
Poem: The message of an Otherkin to the World Poem by Noiratblack All the gold, all the guns, all the toys, designed for those, willing to killing. All the grey, all the darkness, all these flashes, everyone stands for one men, senseless...
Poem: I am a dragon
I am a dragon Poem by Noiratblack Draw your sword, knight, draw it, you who want from me a bit. Blood? A horn? a fang? a claw? Your insane wishes I saw. You, spectre of greed, your death today you will meet. I am mighty! I am...
Poem: Come with me, my little friend
Come with me, my little friend. Come closer, closer to me. Do not fear claws and fangs of mine. Come closer, you'll see, I show you, we're born to be free. Come, sit on my back. Watch for the wings, when they're spread. Hold the...