First Date

The sound of espresso makers and the clattering of small dishes filled the small little coffee shop. There was a long line of people waiting to order their weird coffee drinks and little snacks. Misheru looks up from her little computer at the people...

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Twinkle looked over the guards that stood in formation in front of her. Even with the changes that she and Gleaming had gone through. One thing was the same, guards follow the chain of command. With a slight nod of her head, the guard changed to a more...


Truth Hurts

Gleaming could hear voices, but they sounded muffled and she could only make out a few things like her name. The thing that she knew was there somepony touching her and before she saw who was touching her, she jumped out and was in attack position....


A visit from Twilight

Gleaming Shield and Twinkle Scout had been trying to think for hours what they could do, calling in sick to win time would be a bad idea because they would need to visit a doctor, and none of the new mares thought they could fake it well enough. Not to...


Black Coffee

Shining Armor could not bring herself to look away from the mirror. What looked back was not the same that looked back at any other time. Before was a tall good looking stallion with a short and messy two tone blue mane and a set of baby blue eyes. Now...


The Promotion

Of the many pubs spread throughout Canterlot, the Rusty Horseshoe was especially lively that night. Shining Armor and his squad were celebrating his recent promotion to captain of the Royal Guard. He was in such a great mood that he was buying rounds...
