The View From on Top of the World

Geocaching. It's kinda of like hide and seek, but different. Essentially, one fur hides the cache and posts the coordinates online for other furs to find. There is no real winner or loser - no real prize; just fun. Most people put small things in...

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A New Goal

He'd been up for hours, but had yet to dress. Pacing back and forth all day, he had almost wore a track on hardwood floor. He walked past the room where _it_ was all day, but had yet to gain the motivation to get the damn thing. With a frustrated sigh...

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"You look great!" Amy said. She straightened the Rat's tie. "And bowties are cool," she said with a giggle. "That they are." TJ smiled back. "I love dressing up. I love even more that you actually followed through and asked me to do this. "Who else...

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TJ walked back to the spartan room with his glass of water. Sipping on the drink, he glimpsed himself in the mirror behind his stool; same white spots he's had since his youth, same tan fur. He gave a small, breathy chuckle into his glass, as he...

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A Birthday at the Pub

He heard the students zipping up their bags. "_Please,"_ the Raccoon started testily, "there is still a full five minutes of class left. Not only do I find it rude to pack up while I am still talking, but there is plenty to still talk about."...

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