Jari Perikkila Character Introduction - Prologue
**Prologue: 6 months earlier** To this day, it astounded Jari just how vulnerable one felt on a bicycle. The cosy, secure confines of a car made the chaotic peak of rush hour all but a simple observation, but that was certainly not the case for Jari;...
The Natural Selection - Prologue
**Three years ago** Henry Pronghorn was never one to boast about the qualities people claimed he had, yet even he, though modestly, admitted his uncanny ability to maintain his cool, collected persona even when faced down by a hall of expectant eyes....
A Fish out of Water - Chapter 3
**Chapter 3: A Stick in the Mud** "_Welcome to Tidemarsh; Gateway to the Ocean_". I'll be honest; I kinda' expected a sign that was gifted such a picturesque location to advertise would be in better condition than the one at the foot of a path...