Ian and Tyson, Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Moving In Ian Wight couldn't believe his eyes when his father pulled the family's moving van up to the old Victorian-style house that was to be their new home. The house was HUGE, but then again Ian's family was full of pretty big furs....

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Otten, Chapter 2

**Otten, Chapter 2** That night Eelan and his father swam back to town to look for any survivors, but all they found were bodies. In the pale light of the fire Eelan could make out the black and yellow flag flying over the imposing ship. The image...

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Stirrings of the Beast Within

Yuri and her hunter companion examined the boy as he moved about the large stone human dwelling performing mundane tasks that she had no name for. He was big, bigger than any wolf she had seen so far. Granted Yuri was a pretty young wolf herself. "Why...

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Festival, A Short Story

Faoul looked out over the fields as he wiped sweat from his brow. A quick glimpse of his foster father's backside though reminded him why he was out here in the afternoon heat. The leather straps of the plough dug into Faoul's meaty chest as the young...

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Demonic Possession

The forest behind the manor house of Victor Loss seemed like a place time had forgotten. The trees pushed upwards with such force that the ground below them seemed to be splitting apart with the vast maze of roots, fallen branches, and shrubs. A...


Werewolf woes

When the sun did rise it rose on a refreshed young man who was pulling on his clothes in a very cold forest clearing. Not but two hours earlier he had used his guard keys to unlock a tiny gate in the west wall that led into town through the waterways....

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Pack Mentality

... Morning had come swiftly for Tarn. He had risen to the sound of Finid and Mira cooking in the kitchen. After rising and joining the merriment that Finid's recovery had brought to the household Tarn had eaten and left for his training session...

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Birth of a pack

Ch3 Rad thought over the night before as he moved about the smithy. Everyone but Finid had left to do their day's work. He kept hearing Ambra's words in his head; echoing the idea of biting Finid. Rad had always been protective of his littlest...

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Swords, Sisters, and the she-wolf

... Tarn was up bright and early the next morning. Rad had already started on the guild work for the day and had the smithy going full blast to keep up with his efforts. The smithy pump and the stove pump were both working to pull the smoke and...

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ch2 Part 1 Radich had never seen a big city before, and, compared to most cities, Lucavan wasn't that big. It was more of a fortress than a real city. It was built by the genius of a long dead wizard who, according to popular belief, created...

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First Bite

Part 1 ch1 Radich often found himself the subject of his tiny village's humor. He was the bastard son of a barbaric raider from the far north whose band of raiders had ranged south to his tiny village in search of food and beer. Many in the...

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Bio-electricity chapter 1

Preface In six years the fledgling science of bioelectricity was cultivated by Doctor Frugal and me into a viable alternative to the current source of electricity used in the world today. An amazing discovery, Bioelectricity was the most promising...

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