A Soft and Cuddly Night
'Twas a perfect night for a walk. The breeze was nice, the temperature was mild, and not a cloud in the sky. This is why Emien came out for a walk through the park in the first place, to enjoy the night and gather his thoughts. He enjoyed nights like...
Chosen of the Sea [2nd Person TF(TG)]
You huff as you carry your things onto the beach. Part of you thinks you could have carried less but there is always that doubt that you needed everything you have been carrying all this time. Course your current problem now is finding a spot to set...
Sunlight Through The Clouds: Rising Sun [Chapter 2]
**Chapter 2: The Party** The door chimes rang as Stephen walked through the shop door of "Mystic Curiosities". He was surprised as he walked in that there was a handful of customers browsing Jergo's wares. It had only been a couple weeks since the...
Unusual Workplace Hazards
Another day, another inspection. I leaned against the wall and sighed softly, feeling bored. I was doing a fire alarm inspection at a church and I was on panel duty, calling in alarm signals to my partner as he sent them. I don't mind panel duty as it...
Pool Crasher
"Man, is it hot out today," said Gcdm, wiping the moisture condensing off his forehead. As the young, red, feral dragon flew over the city he observed his surroundings. It was a boiling hot summer day. The sun was beating down over the city. Most...