The E.A.G.A.M.E.S. Exegisis pt. 2
WARNING: The following is a work of fiction. Characters, names, situations, events, and locations described hereafter are purely the invention of the author, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to people, living or dead; names and locations, is...
The E.A.G.A.M.E.S Exegisis Pt. 1
WARNING: The following is a work of fiction. Characters, names, situations, events, and locations described hereafter are purely the invention of the author, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to people, living or dead; names and locations, is...
Per Patientia Ch. 4
Town of Sierudd, Rroan  The lizard wore a dissenting frown. Still, she tried to...
Per Patientia ch. 3
Still closer, the circle of the dead came. Any direction the shaken lizard took would surely come short with a wall of hissing, rotting corpses. From the dune top, the old necromancer breathed easy. The power this young one possessed, focused and...
Per Patientia Ch. 2
An unrelenting gale was blowing south. Try as she might, Tahlis found herself inadvertently facing leeward from the biting wind at her side. Again, the lizard stole a glance behind her, past the town and further, to the south-east. The moon shone a...
Per Patientia Ch. 1
Town of Sopulch, Rroan  _What a lot of hypocrites_, she thought. She shook her head to...
Who Can Tell
* * * Who can tell? * * * You could say it was the balmy summer night, or those three blue moons, when you leaned on my shoulder and, with a coy grin, whispered, 'You're such a catch you know, and you'll find the glove of your life soon...