Misery Ch.5 Helping...
Here's Chapter 5 Sorry again with the late wait for another short chapter... I actually tried to make this chapter longer than Ch.4 And do it much quicker...... But this chapter was so boring! .... So yeah... Warning you now... Boring chapter...
Misery Ch.3 Bullies...
Here's chapter 3 Here it is... Chapter three... I'm sorry it's taking long to submit these short chapters... But, um... There getting longer at least... This is where the creature is partially revealed... Yes I know the way I did it...
Misery Ch.2 School...
Here's chapter 2 Um, I have something to confess... This story is gonna be dark... Most of the time... So... Just warning you now. And go ahead and give and honest review. I don't mind if it's an utterly repulsive or horribly mean...
Misery Ch.1 Morning...
Hi... This is my first story. And to be honest I'm scared... Before you read, this was inspired by MasterG's story "Kyurex" ..... So I'm sry if you see some sort of similarity... But I wont intend to make it the same. I DO NOT OWN POKEMON....