First Defeat ~Chapter 8 Heart of a Lion~

"Devon R. Manneth." The doctor replied. James dropped the phone. Danny looked at James. James' eyes were full of tears, his body shaking. "James?" Danny asked. "Mr. Pearce? Mr. Pearce are you there??" The phone called out. Danny picked up the...


First Loss ~Chapter 6 Heart of a Lion~

"...Fine!" Devon agreed. "Yes! You won't regret it!" James exclaimed as he pulled out his cell and began dialing someone's number. "Hello?" A voice asked. "Hey! Oscar it's me, James." "Oh hey James. What do you want?" Oscar asked,...


First Impressions ~Chapter 5 Heart of a Lion~

Dusk took off, Danny was quiet the whole way, strangely. Dusk started to wonder what had been going on with the wolf in front of Danny's apartment. He wanted to know what Danny was thinking. Dusk was not bringing Danny back to his house,...

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Chapter 4 (Des-Berfo High): In His Eyes

Devon scrambled out the door while the other furs were still dressing. He hurried down the hallway into the boys' bathroom and took a second to compose himself. He pressed two fingers tight to his jugular, steadying his paw to check his pulse....

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Chapter 1: New Beginnings ~Des-Berfo High~

"Are we there yet?" A young voice asked, tired. The question was answered with only a sigh. A teenaged German shepherd, the owner of the voice, slouched lower into the backseat of his parents' car. "Are you ready to make new friends?" An older...

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First Vows ~Chapter 11 Heart of a Lion~

Danny burst through Devon's bedroom door, waking him. James had asked Danny to come over and talk to Devon about what had occured last night, and then left to go get groceries. "Danny? What are you doing?" Devon asked half awake. "Devon are...
