The Round Trip
- - - He had little will to live much longer: they wanted to make the chemicals stronger. They'd take him in their giant paws, hook him to machines, staunch with gauze. Weeks and weeks since he'd been taken, since the day he found the will to...
99 Chaos Bolts
- - - The decayed Undead shuffled through chipped wooden doors into the tobacco-filled air of the tavern, band music blaring louder in his ears upon entry. Several patrons stopped mid-chug to glance over their shoulders at the unliving visitor,...
Starvation Diet (Pt. 2)
- - -Continued- - - \* \* \* Lena sat against a corner of her plastic prison, eyes shut with the salt of dried tears. She didn't know how long it had been since she was dumped in there, as her watch came to mind only recently; both it and the...
Starvation Diet (Pt.1)
- - - "Well, shit..." Lena slammed the hood of her truck and hopped in for the dozenth failed attempt at the ignition. With a huff, she sat back and closed her eyes. The breeze and fading afternoon light urged her to give in to slumber, but were...