Friendship is Pure- Chapter 2: Eight's a Crowd

Chapter 2- Eight's a Crowd "It's okay, my name's Twilight," Twilight answered, "My friend here, Applejack, brought you to my library because she found you unconscious. What's your name?" The colt opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a...

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Friendship is Pure- Chapter 1: An Unexpected Guest

Chapter 1- An Unexpected Guest "Spike, are you sure you didn't see who gave us this book?" Twilight asked one night. "I told you Twilight, I found it just lying on the ground in front of our door with no pony in sight," Spike answered while shelving...

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Friendship is Pure- Prologue: A Page From History

Prologue- A Page from History Most ponies learn the story of how Equestria was formed at a young age, the story of how the three tribes, the Pegasi, the Unicorns, and the Earth ponies, came together in harmony. What most ponies don't know is that...

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