Lost and alone, I howl to the moon. Seeking communion, Getting none. Where am I going, What am I doing, How will I get there, Why should I care. Around in a circle, Slow like a turtle, Stuck in the mud, Drowned in a flood. I...
Lost In The Dark
I woke with a start and found my gaze completely empty. No light, no shadow, just dim, unending grey. I turned left, then right. Nothing. Endless void. "Hello?" I called out, my voice immidiately dying off as though eaten by the...
Four Companions
**The Loon** An unknown swimmer, Bird of the deep summer lake, Mournful haunting call. **The Hawk** A patient hunter, Spread wings soaring high above, Deadly piercing call. **The Snake** A silent prowler, Tasting scent upon the air, Sun's...
Paw Prints In The Snow
**Paw Prints In The Snow** We began our adventure, Very lost and unsure, Not knowing our location, Or our destination, Leaving paw prints in the snow. We felt alone at first, Close to our worst, But then we found each other, And went...
What are you afraid of? What are you scared of? What do you wish never to happen? What do you wish did not happen? Fear of being not enough, Fear of being left out, Fear of being too much, Fear of being not ready? It feels like it's coarse and...
Over the Edge
Over the Edge Free and clear, Nothing here, No clouds in a mile, Been sunny for a while. Then a rumble, Barely a mumble, Beyond the horizon, Wind is rising. Closer it gets, Slowly it sets, A storm grows, But no one knows. ...