His Destiny (part 4)
The umbreon got close to us and asked: \<are you guys fine? If you want we can help\> and maury asked \<who are you guys?\> and the umbreon answered: \<we are one of the few rescue squad existing, as it is now there are more pokemons becoming murderers...
His Destiny (part 3)
I saw that 2 of the mightyena were down but they were still surrounded making them forced to stay back to back, I sat down waiting for the confusion to completely wear out and to regain some strength then I decided to help them. I jumped on one of...
His Destiny (part 2)
As he said that, a Hunter appeared from behind Lucky and the i heard Mauri shouting: \<THEY SURROUNDED US! DAMN IT\>then that hunter started floating in my direction looking at me with a detestable grin on his face, we got close to the fire and we saw...
His Destiny (part 1)
I don't know where to start... in this days so many things happened, well not only to me but also to my friend, so l'ets start from the beginning. It all began that night with me and my two friends Coco and Mauri that have took me out from my home for...