The Voice Within: Coming to Reality

Being crazy is who I am. Nothing can change that. I know who to blame too, but it's not that simple I suppose. _"You know what you want"_ the voice I spoke to constantly said. "_It's one thing to be crazy and another to be powerful"_ The voice had a...

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The Voice Within: Vying for Control

I could not rid my mind of this voice that lusted for control. It haunted my very being, longing for a so called 'Life' that it would do anything to get it, even if it had to kill me to get it. _"You are weak."_ It said hatefully to me. _"Give up and...

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The Abyss .:A vent poem:.

I am being swallowed, Chocking in my minds abyss. I yell for someone to hear, but none the less, I cry in fear. My mind shifts and wanders, holding onto what I had left... I was told "You're amazing" then silence befell everything I had...

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Her second chance Chapter 2

I awoke the next morning to James on top of me. Nude with his tail excitedly wagging from one side to the other. "Morning lovely." He said, "How did you sleep?" He grinned at me, and then licked the top of my breasts. It all seemed like a dream to me....

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