My Friend Lupus

Do you remember your imaginary friend? I had a random flashback of mine a couple days ago, and I have to admit; it brought me to tears. When I was a kid, I grew up in a bad neighborhood; drugs, arson, drive bys. You name it; we had it. Because of this...

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Dreams Ch. 4

"Home is here, but is here where you feel at home?" My eyes had opened quickly upon hearing someone talk; a female. I didn't recognize the voice at all however; they sounded older, but didn't sound like a threat. I quickly sat up and looked around; I...

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Dreams Ch. 5

I ran; I ran with every amount of energy I had in my entire body. I would only stop at night to sleep, letting my body rest from the running throughout the day. In the bag that Umbra had given me, he had left some fruits to eat, but also gave me...

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Dreams Ch. 3

"...o...ooww...My...head." I slowly began to come to? My sight blurry and my ears ringing a loud buzzing noise that started to drift. I slowly rose from the hard ground and looked around the area. It was so dark that I couldn't tell where I was, but I...

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Dreams [Filler]

I opened my eyes and looked around, everything was foggy at first, but then started to clear up. It was late afternoon, early evening time, there were trees and bushes on the sides of me. As I sat up, I could see I was in the middle of a dirt road, but...

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Dreams Ch. 2

"It's time to wake up." My eyes begun to open very slowly, with my vision being very blurry. As I tried to stand up, I felt my body shake. I felt sore, as if I had done hard work the day before. As I rose to my feet, I rubbed my head softly and looked...

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I ran through the forest as fast as my legs could carry me. I jumped over roots that had made themselves exposed to the ground above and across a lake that ran through to give these trees life. I had started to run out of breath after running for...

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