Balto - Family Reunion

One Day, Balto sees a wolf pack just outside of Nome. "Could it be?" Balto rushes to the pack. He heads to the back and Aleu sneaks up behind him. "Got ya!" She yelled jumping on top of him. The other wolves chuckle. "Aleu!" Balto yelled...

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Balto - Jenna's Payback

After Balto had saved Nome and Steele had been shunned, Balto went to see Jenna. "Oh Balto thank you for everything!" Jenna said slightly teary. "Your welcome, Jenna. I did it for you as much as for Rosy." Balto said. "I'm glad that it's all...

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Balto - Jenna's Spanking

After the bear was gone and Balto was rescued from underneath the ice, Janna insisted on coming with him to find the sled team. No Janna you have to go back and look after things" Balto said, "No, I can help." Jenna said. "Jenna! You're not...

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Wrong Kind of Marks

this story was co-written by numer987 and I. kinda, all I did was the plot outline. but that still counts for something. **Wrong Kind of Marks** The Cutie Mark Crusaders stood in an inverted pyramid, Scootaloo at the bottom, on her...

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