Giving Love a Helping Hoof: Chapter 2
**Giving Love a Helping Hoof** Chapter 2 A harried white unicorn knocked a dainty hoof on the door to Ponyville's library, her saddlebags bulging. "Coming!" The door opened before her, bathing her in a warm glow. Her hostess stood before...
Giving Love a Helping Hoof
**Giving Love a Helping Hoof** Chapter 1 Silence reigned over the Everfree Forest. Ponyville's forbidding neighbour usually held a raucous evening court, the bass rumbles of the manticores punctuated by the high pitched squeaking of the local...
A New Year, A New Life, A New Love: Chapter 1 - Everything Is Never As It Seems (Part 2)
**Second part of chapter 1, figured I'd throw it up here.** **The Naruto universe is the property of Masashi Kishimoto.** Sunlight. It was day, and it was sunny. This was the first thing to occur to...
And All Will Turn to Darkness
Greetings. I havn't the heart to make a cheery comment, in light of this story, but I will say this. This chapter is NOT for those who cry easily, unless you wish it so. Again, I must draw on Nickelback to increase my stories calibre. ...
Good Times, Now Gone?
The next few days were rather dull to the average person, yet flashed by in seconds for the two lovers contained within their own time capsule. Although the most sexual thing they did was perhaps snuggle in bed, and find themselves excited, they were...
Ember's Confession
Chapter three. Sorry about the short chapters, I can't find the time to write longer ones. If you are not old enough to read this then please turn back now or lock your door. For those of you who are looking for a quick, no-commitments hardcore yiff...