...and thou

On a cool April day--the sun shining with a softness of color that pastelized the world--Kohath was shopping. Just by looking at him you could tell he was touched by love; he was humming "45's Earthlight," and his usual trudge was replaced by the...


Mister Shine came to town

Maybe it was a mistake to come out here. The city is no place for people like me who are used to night skies and open spaces. I was enjoying one of them out here in the park, but the city lights were preventing my enjoyment of the other. Of course,...

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It all started with a shower of confetti. Stevens had brought a piñata to the office for my birthday party. It was enormous--almost as big as he was--and a lion, just like me. "Saw this outside that party place on the corner and thought of you,"...

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