Debt | by KitsuneJey

**Debt (A Poem)** by **KitsuneJey** _"What's this stuff?" you just ask,_ _In the middle of the night,_ _To the fox who's working now,_ _Taking most of after hours._ _"Please, come here," I reply._ _"There is room for you and me._ _Do not mind...

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Hitchhike Talks | by KitsuneJey

**HITCHHIKE TALKS** by **KitsuneJey** -- A Poem _Excuse me, stranger. Are you going to Vegas? I'm a foreigner who travels light, and I confess that I have sinned._ _I'm so grateful, dude. Do we know each other? All these wonders run through...

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Not a Lonely Work | by KitsuneJey

**Not a Lonely Work** A Short Furry Story by **KitsuneJey** (JNC) Featuring **Adam Primaeros** and **GoldenBoiBlaze** _"__If our friendship depends on things like space and time,_ _then when we finally overcome space and time, we've destroyed our...

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B.D.F. | by KitsuneJey

**B.D.F.** By _KitsuneJey_ "What does B.D.F. stand for..., if you don't mind my asking?" "These letters on my tee? Heh, they aren't the initials of my name, bud, I assure you that." "Mine is Nevets, by the way... Yours?" "Just call...

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New Map | by KitsuneJey

**New Map** By _KitsuneJey_ The room in my dream was white and infinite, like a prison from that movie named THX 1138. There was no trace of walls or celling, no visible paths, and no one else around. I even wasn't sure that I was really there,...

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