Tooth and Sweet: A Fence, A Fight, And A Blunder
Turquoise water splashed and glittered, spraying into white foam as the French schooner cut through the waves like a knife. Sidney had taken down the striped flag, much to Henri's dismay, refusing to sail under the colours of any one nation. The two...
The Infernal Administration: The Bruiser (Chapter One)
**The Bruiser** The humans had done a marvellous job of scorching the planet, and ridding the Earth of their own existence. The various doomsday weapons they had used, each one designed to exterminate mass amounts of people in increasingly creative...
Sky Defender: Family Feast (Chapter 4)
It was only an hour later but the sun had nearly disappeared for the day behind the high cliff that bordered Sica village. Nearly all the villagers sat in the dining hall at several long wooden tables. The heat of the hundred or so bodies combined with...
Sky Defender: Sever (Chapter 2)
Heavy metal doors slid open with a loud hiss and clank, letting the wolf pass through. The soldier, a lieutenant as marked by the red leather patch sewn onto his battle armour, strode quickly down the metal corridor towards the next door. He gripped...
Tooth And Sweet: The French
"We're sinking." Clear seawater gently but persistently lapped over the side of the tiny sail boat and swirled around the legs of its occupants. The smaller of the two, a white rabbit named Sidney, tried to avoid his companion's glaring yellow eyes...