A Story Never Told - Part 2 - Light among Shadows
\*\*\* Not too far away, in a small valley at the foot of a mountain, their dwelling lay nestled against the rock. The house was partially built into the stone, taking advantage of natural caves for storage. A staircase was carved into the rock,...
A Story Never Told - Part 1 - Under the Holy Tree
> _"Hope is not the expectation that everything is going to be alright, but the certainty that no matter what happens, it will make sense."_ In the dense forest of Sorg Skogur, beside the giant holy tree, Aldreda balanced on her tail. Rays of light...
Yggdrasil’s dream (Dragons Lair "This is Me"-Challenge)
The following is my very own entry to the[Dragons Lair This is Me-Challenge](http://www.sofurry.com/threadview?threadid=11138). I was not sure if I should take part at all, but in the end an idea struck me on how to tell who I am. In norse mythology...
Memories die slower
**Please do not just scroll down to the end of the page. The illustration at the end might spoil parts of the story otherwise!** Dear reader, I want to suggest the following song to you to listen to while reading. It will automatically loop and play...
A Story Never Told - Part 3 - Old and Young Souls
A gust of cold air reached out for Aldreda and she eyed the black beyond the door frame with suspicion. The cool breeze brushed over her fur like the touch of an invisible hand, and she shivered as her hands tightened into fists. As suddenly as it...