Battle Report: ReHistory - 004

Captain's Log Entry #0138.2-A I am making this log as a historical record to events that have recently come to light. It is two-hundred twelve years into our three hundred year journey to the outer limits of the Sagittarius Arm. Our flight has been...

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Battle Report: ReHistory - 003

Dear Melissa, I hope this letter finds you well. It's been a while since I last wrote, and I apologize for it. Things have been rather hectic here, and, up until now, I just haven't been able to find the time to sit down and get in touch with...

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Battle Report: ReHistory - 002

Wolff Muroa Special Tactics & Operations "Eisen Dragoon" Unit Eisen Military Base, Vahalla, Nyx ZAC 12 July, 2101 Gunther Proitzen High Regent of the Guylos Empire Ministry of Imperial Affairs Imperial Ministry Building, Guygalos,...

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Battle Report: ReHistory - 001

My beloved sons, If you are reading this, then it means I have passed on to join with the Eve. Please, weep not for me. My life has been long and full, filled with great joy and much adventure. I journeyed from one end of this land to the other,...

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Zoids: History of Zi - Part 002

# Chapter Two # # Age of Tribes Towards the beginning of what we would call the Early Holocene period, the Zoidians began to dominate the planet that they had come to call "Zi." With fewer natural disasters to reduce their numbers their population...

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Zoids: History of Zi - Part 001

_ **Chapter One** _ ### Pre-History Located at the far edge of the Scutum-Centaurus arm of the Milky Way galaxy, in the constellation of Cygnus, there existed a solitary star system. Its star was an F-class yellow dwarf that had entered into its main...

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