"CubKart" By Jake Draggie. One day, in the Draggie camper, Jake Draggie and his friend Justin (An Australian Shepherd) were playing MarioKart 64 on Jake's Nintendo 64 console. The thickly padded cubs were playing a 2-player...
A Dragon's Day at Preschool
"A Dragon's Day At Preschool" By Jake Draggie Chapter 1: One fine morning in a mobile home village, the sun was creeping up into the sky from the east. The sky giving off a nice orange hue along with its usual blue,...
Jacob’s Pinbar: Pokeblast
"Jacob's Pinbar Oneshots" ("PokeBlast") Somewhere in Goldenrod City, Johto sits a building. A building that once housed a Raticate Cheese's family entertainment center known for having pizza, arcade games, and an animatronic show featuring the...
Grocery Store Friday (Babyfur short story)
"Grocery Store Friday" By Jake Draggie It was a lovely Friday in the town, and things were going well at Kroger. A one year old dragon and his mother had just arrived at the store looking to get groceries for that week. Walking into the shopping...
When a Baby Dragon Gets Sick.
"When A Baby Dragon Gets Sick" By Jake Draggie. "Ah, ah, a-CHOO!" Smoke filled the camper of the Draggies as a certain baby dragon, Jake Draggie was sick. He had been sniffling, sneezing, coughing and had a stuffy nose since Sunday and today, he was...
Jake's Mall Trip
Jake Draggie was unbuckled from his carseat, and lifted onto the ground where his mother soon took hold of his hand. Today was a different day, the hatchling's mother took the day off from work and decided to take her hatchling to the mall with her....
A Cold Morning
It was a cold and windy morning at a fifth wheel camper parked in a rural area. The forecast had called for freezing temperatures, icy roads and possible flurries of snow. Frost lay on the grass and ground as well as the roof of the camper. A gold...