This is the Part...With a City Underwater
I had made a mistake. This was all a mistake. I looked in the mirror, seeing the sad attempt I had made to salvage myself staring back at me. My stomach was in knots, and more than anything I just wanted to go back in time and stop myself from doing...
He Kissed Me Like Summer
I watched the way the lights from the fair further down the pier lit up the ends of his fur, turning him into a golden-silhouetted shadow. The sound of his voice mixed with the sound of waves rolling over the sandy beach below us. "We were just about...
This is the Part... When the Wolf Gets Blown Down Too
Aching pain, like a giant hand gripping my side with three long fingers stretched across my torso. That's what it felt like when I woke up. I tried not to move, hoping that at any moment I would fall back asleep. The pain was not as bad as it had been...
This is the Part... With the Wrong Rabbit Hole
Just look at me. You don't even have to say hi, or even smile. Just tilt your head up a little. Let me know you can see me. Please. Just one more time. Did that sound desperate? Well, I probably am. I am one of those people that dream of the whole...
Love on Christmas
This probably had to have been one of the dumbest things he had ever decided to do. For starters, he was currently slushing his way through at least 2 feet of snow and still had at least ten more minutes of walking before he got to Ty's house. He had...
This is the Part...Where There is More than a Lump Under the Mattress
_Running. I'm running. We, are running. My mind is racing, body screaming at me. But my heart is ripping, so I turn around._ _I see a monster. Orange, glowing eyes all over its body, lighting up the night. It wants to eat me. I want to run to it. But...