"University District Arcade. Seattle's Cutting Edge Gaming Hub."
Ethan read from the sign above the establishment's double front doors. Flashing red and yellow lights ringed the bold letters.
"You're gonna love it, promise," said Brendan at his...
Crawdaunt, Feral, Feraligatr, Fighting, Flight, Forcedshifting, Friendship, Future, Galvantula, Growth, Male, Metagross, Mind Control, Morphing, Multiple Species, Muscle, Muscle Growth, No-Yiff, Ownership, Pet, Pokemon, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Scyther, Shapeshifting, Simisear, Tail, Talonflame, Transformation, Tyrantrum, Various Species, Video Games, Violence (Not In Yiff), excadrill, glaceon, serperior, venusaur