Sibling x Girlfriend 6 - Game Night with Peakwoods
# Game Night with Peakwoods Johanna quirked a brow as her phone chimed with a message from her brother. It was, admittedly, already late in her work-day...but Dane was usually very good at abiding by her rule about not being disturbed while she was at...
Prayer and Demon 14 - Last Echo
# Last Echo They followed the mountains for two more days. Tuli gradually regained her old, bouncy, slightly ditzy demeanor...along with a growing habit of randomly talking to herself. That took some getting used to, even though the group understood...
Prayer and Demon 16 - The King
# The King The king was in counsel with his advisors, gathered around a handful of large tables that had been grouped together in the center of the throne room. With Esles withdrawn and a plea for truce received, the king needed to decide on what...
Script - Gritpaw and Peakwood Roleplay
Roleplaying [Storm, trees down across lines kill power. House is on a generator, but doesn't save the internet connection. No gaming, streaming, or watching tv.] Lua: Well, what should we do with the rest of the day, then? Rikko:...
Prayer and Demon 15 - Returning to Nazeen
# Returning to Nazeen True to her word, by the time Nayeli and Diya had explained the situation and brought the rest of the group into town, Ol' Mags was waiting with a lantern and a handful of younger villagers, who took the group's packs for them....
Prayer and Demon 10 - Approach to the Treasury
# Approach to the Treasury Morning seemed to come early, especially in this place where the darkness never retreated unless driven back by torch or lamp. But Oro insisted it was _almost_ daylight outside, and no one held any illusions about how...
Prayer and Demon 12 - Returning to the MIssion
# Returning to the Mission The light dimmed. The scent of soap and clean water was replaced by dry dust and stone. Almost as one, they sat up from the cold floor of the dragon's treasury, full and clean and once again dressed as they had been when...
Prayer and Demon 1 - The Choosing
**The Choosing** The king of Nazeen looked like he'd stepped out of some romantic's painting. The Lion was big, fully a head taller than Nayeli, who was herself a head taller than Oro, and nearly wide enough for both of them to hide...
Prayer and Demon 7 - Sparring and a Visiting Saint
# Sparring and a Visiting Saint He'd cut a long, straight shaft from a bush on the way, and already notched one end to a point. "It's no match for what you lost last night," he admitted, tossing the make-shift spear to Sarahi, "But it'll do for...
Ghost in the Stones 1 - Ghost and Rabbit
# Ghost and Rabbit The tiny flicker of a spirit meandered through the town of Three-Peaks, silent and unseen, and careful to avoid the attention of the bright or fell things that likewise roamed that penumbral world between life and death. No few of...