The Shadows within

The Shadow Within By Dominicus I am thou and thou art me... Stay away, everyone. I cringe at the touch of another, All you want to do is use me. If I could Id be alone forever. But all these stupid people are around me.. I can't escape.. I want to so...

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My Hope, My Love.

My Hope, My Love By Dominius I was alone and hopeless, I thought I was crazy moron, Whom was unable to be loved. "Whats wrong with me." I thought everyday, everynight as I lay down. I've had crushes. I've had boyfriends. I've had...

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Dream Scene -Zombies!-

I was second in line as everyone around me panicked. No one knew what was going on as we received handguns with one clip each. They were tiny and black and each magazine had 17 shots in it. I wasn't a gun enthusiast so I had no idea what the model...

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Empathy Pains

Empathy Pains By Dominicus I may not know you very well, but I know you enough. I know you gotta hang tough and stick it out. I hope by reading this it helps you and get stronger. I will continue to pray, I will continue to hope. I will help in...
