Adam & Greg 3
"Adam wake up we're here" Greg said as he shook his brother awake "Where are we?" Adam said as he rubbed his eyes and yawned "Come on get up" Greg said as he lifted Adam out the car seat, Adam wrapped his arms around Greg neck as he was carried out...
Adam & Greg
Wet diapers filled the air of the nursery the walls A light blue gave A warm felling as A small rustle was heard from the crib. The door slowly opens as A dark figure walks into the room the light from outside the door creeps in as the room fills with...
Marks Little Brother 8
"Daddy I got you" Jason said as he tagged his father "No fare my diaper made me slow" Owen sat on the floor not wanting to be out "Hey brother how you doing" Mark said with A bottle in hand "I'm out" "Well next round you can come back in but for now...
Marks Little Brother 4
Mark walked into the living room just as Owen and Cody got off the phone "what are you guys doing?" Asked Mark when he saw them running back to the couch. "Just playing around" said Cody "Well play times over its time for dinner so come on you two"...
Adam & Greg 7
Greg pulled over and put the car in park "You guys ready back there?" Greg said as he turned of the engine. Adam looked at Jason and Kevin and nodded towards Greg "Well then guys lets get going" Greg said as he opened the car door and started towards...
Marks Little Brother 2
The taste of milk lingered in Marks mouth as he got up from his long nap he sat on his bed thinking of what he did to his brother. His mind woundered what it would be like if he was his brother getting bottles every night diaper changes and sleeping in...
Johns New Son 3
...The air was filled with a smell that only a baby can make the smell grew worse with every minute causing me to gag. This smell was worse then actualy sitting in its source my diaper was brown and sagging and couldnt handle and more use I cried...
Johns New Son
John awoke to a loud bang his body moved and his eyes twiched as the looked at is clock"realy 1:14 in th morning. Careful not to wake his wife he got out of bed and walked out to the hallway he went and checked the front door to find it locked "were...
Johns New Son 2
Jason laid in his cib sleeping with no worry of having a wet bed the next day his new life was greater than he could have thought. he awoke the next morning to fiind out that his bed (Crib) was dry the first time in weeks but as he moved he found that...
Adam & Greg 5
The smells of summer surrounded Adam as Greg took him out the car seat, the sounds of young padded cubs roared throughout the park causing little Adam to fidget with glee. "Looks like someone wants to play" Greg said as he shook Kevin awake "Yeah look...
Adam & Greg 4
The smell of urine fills Greg's nose as he shifts his weight in bed he slowly opens his eyes as he rolls over. His fur brushes by a soft material as his eyes come to level with the white fabric in his face. "Adam?" Greg says as he sniffs again taking...
A Puppy Summer
The hot summer air flowed in with the morning sun as it crept its way past a small, dark figure. Darkness soon made way for the light that reflected off a soothing grey fur, revealing a small wolf pup, quietly nursing on his pale blue pacifier, which...