Nekojishi: Another Way Chapter 5

Senpai looked like someone suffering from a nightmare. He was drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. He looked... scared. Like he was trying to run away from some kind of monster inside of his head. "He does not look good," said Guardian...

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Nekojishi: Another Way Chapter 4

When I arrived outside my apartment door, I realized I had a problem. How am I supposed to open the door while I'm carrying Senpai like this?! I pressed my knee against the wall beside my door and supported Senpai with my thigh while I dug around for...

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Nekojishi: Another Way Chapter 3

"Lin Hu!" I yelled and ran up to him. His eyes were closed, and form was almost entirely transparent. I knelt down beside him and reached to touch his shoulder only to have my hand pass through his body. Dread radiated from the pit of my stomach....

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Nekojishi: Another Way Chapter 2

The next thing I knew, I was lying face down on the bed. My right arm was freezing. Attempting to move it felt like it was surrounded by some sort of thick liquid. "W-what's-?" "Sorry. I did not expect this kitten's body to give in so easily this...

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