The Magic Mirror Maze
Excitement was in the air as the four friends made their way around the carnival that was in town for the weekend. Jaxxy, Zip, Gator, and Jake had visited every attraction and ridden every ride the carnival had to offer except for one; The Magic Maze...
Magic Hat Shop Diaper Version
It had been such a boring day for Gator. The green mutt had been window shopping all day, just trying to pass the time. Even the town seemed to share in his boredom, with him being one of the only furs on the street. About another hour passed with...
Age Away Day Spa
"Free spa day! This has to be some kind of joke." Gator thought to himself. The green mutt never had things this lucky happened to him, but here he was, starring at the coupon he had just received in the mail. "AGE AWAY DAY SPA: GUARANTEED TO...
Nursery Breakout
Inside the city of Scaleville, sat a nursery. From the outside and inside, it appeared to be like any other you would find. A welcoming sign out front where a well groomed sidewalk ran past, up to a bright red door. On the inside, the walls were...
Dry Bone’s Babying Punishment
Chester's heart would have been beating out of his chest, if he still had one. The Dry Bone was running as fast as his skeleton legs could take him. He had to find a place to hide, and fast. He knew it was a bad idea to try to steal candy from the...
Something Witchy in Salem
PART 1 The plane wheels screeched as the aircraft landed. Gator looked outside from his window, excited about what the next few days were going to hold. The green dog was meeting some friends in Boston, then driving to Salem for a fun-filled...