DIDO Shadowrun 'Project Eden'

Drop in/Drop Out Shadowrun Campaign Test Codename: 'Project EDEN' Mission Objective: Sink Gerald R. Ford Class Super Carrier being used as a super tanker. Pay Packet: 50,000 Nuyen, 25,000 in advance --Session One-- In a night club on the upper...


Stralia - Notes, Times, Places

_Stralia - Notes, Time, Places. ~~SnowDragon They say the second week is the hardest and I might just believe them as it comes to an end. While thus far I've technically written more than in the previous week, it was mostly swept across different...

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Stralia - Ocean's Depths

_ Stralia - Ocean's Depths ~~SnowDragon Doooon't even ask me what's with the title of this one, I don't know. It makes sense to me, somehow. Anyway, I come to you again with the fourth installment of **Stralia,** this time it's with **Ocean's...

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Point 89-2

Point 89-2 - Continuation of Point 89 ~_SnowDragon_ _Had a lot of trouble with getting this one down on the page, but got there eventually. Enjoy! Writing time: 1 week (5:43pm finish, 27/7/11) Length: 2.6 A4 Pages Soundtrack: Ave Maria_ Just...


Shifting 3

Shifting 3 ~_SnowDragon_ The silver dragon opened his eyes with a soft groan, almost in self pity. Everything was blurred into nothing but grey and greyer splotches, his fins ringing painfully as the rain continued to fall against the roof...

Shifting 2

Shifting 2 ‾_SnowDragon_ With the storm only growing harder by the time the silver shifting dragon had returned home, he made quick work of discarding his soaked clothes and pulling out another set of of ones nearly identical to those he was wearing...


Shifting 1

Shifting 1 _~SnowDragon_ _This one's about a world where a small group of shapeshifting individuals must survive in a world where they're kind is both actively hunted and hated by the world around them. The main character here is a 16 year old...


Dragon vs F-16

Dragon vs an F-16 Fighting Falcon _~SnowDragon_ _This one delivers what it promises, a feral dragon being taken on by an F-16 fighter aircraft. Just a quick short I whipped up while I was bored. It was written a while ago when I, er, wasn't so...


Point 89

Point 89 - A investigative story into high fantasy high modern cross fiction. _This is an expierment into a world I'm trying to develop where high fantasty worlds themes and characters are mixed up in our slightly more modern world with not so...


Stralia - Books in the Dark

_ Stralia - Books in the Dark ~~SnowDragon Hallo again! I present chapter two of **Stralia** , this time, **Books in the Dark**. This continues the story from the last chapter, The Night, the Heart, and resumes the story of Senia, the young...

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Stralia - The Night, The Heart

_Stralia - The Night, The Heart ~~SnowDragon First chapter of a series that has just burned it's way onto digital paper for me. Based from an old homebrew PNP game I created, while the game itself never took off, I could never quite let go of...

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A Feathered Shadowrunner's Tail - A runner's memory; Feather's Story. (2) Part I

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > A Feathered Shadowrunner's Tail - A runner's memory, Feather's Story; Part 1 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ~~SnowDragon _Without further delay, I present the second chapter of **A Feathered Shadowrunner's Tail** , and...
