Part three_Welp.

_Hey ^.^ you still wanna hangout today?_ Read the text. Its always nice having someone want you around, I replyed to my ottragon friend _Of course! I just have to get all ready ^.^ _ I got up and looked in the mirror, my antteni are tangled up in my...

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Ferret Chronicles- Then we met.

"I just don't have the gas" said Maria, my cow roommate indifferently. Her guy friend who she "wasn't" dating had just graduated as a super super senior. Tyler was a sarcastic asshole of a alligator but also a very close friend of ours, Anyway Maria...

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Part two_Collie Point Coffee

"See but i want to break people" said the angry ottragon "but Justin we cant break people, id feel they don't shatter as pretty as my glasses" I was trying to convince him we needed to go break stuff to vent our anger. He looked at me,...

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Part one_ Days of winter

"I KILLED IT I KILLED IT!!! THAT'S WHY I HATE SPIDER THEYRE CREEPY AND CRAWLY AND STARE AT YOU WITH RED EYES" I giggled at my ottragon friend as he freaked out, While playing mine craft. He turned on the monsters because he knew itd be more entertaing...

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