Nobody's Servant, Part 17 - Cover To Cover

Back home, we take libraries seriously. A respectable library is one of the largest buildings in town, well-stocked, well-staffed, well-maintained, well-funded, and even well-defended. They sit in only the starkest of contrasts with mausoleums;...

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Nobody's Servant, Part 11 - Mainland

The lights in the room strobe erratically, reflecting off the creeping spread of black fluid as it covers more and more of the white tile floor. It spreads out from me like rain, scattering unpredictably, and joining the mass that flows around the...

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A Change In Perspective

The soft whirr of propellers is the only sound that stands out in these enormous sand-colored halls. The sound of even softer humming is entirely lost under their oscillating tone. Teri allows himself to sit back, tapping a few buttons on his bracer to...

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Nobody's Servant, Part 16 - Jen

"Who in the SHIT-" I hear Kyra's outburst in the other room, immediately followed by the sound of crashing furniture, maybe a table crashing. Startled, I nearly knock over my open bottle of coagulant resting on the sink's edge, and, still doubling...

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Nobody's Servant, Part 15 - The Ulgengir District

I wake to the sound of quiet chatter, slowly raising my head. Initially I don't recognize where I am, but the moment of confusion is only that, and the events of yesterday come back to mind. Every event does, unfortunately. The sudden return of...

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Aberration, Part 8 - The Attack

We'll pick up where we last found me. That being the floor off to the side of Yhana's room, rubbing my wounded skull and moaning loudly, pitifully, because dignity be damned. It was a nice few days but I guess that's as long as I can go without being...

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Aberration, Part 7 - Nym

It didn't take long for the ship to begin moving. Most of the crew generally paid me no mind, but Jori gave me the rundown on the ones she knew well. The Nahrrimurn Family, mercenaries from the Republic to the west. Presiding over them is Neien, their...

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Aberration, Part 3 - The Gift

"Strange thing, aren't you?" I recoil at the words, the frigid breath on which they ride permeating my fur and skin. I reach out to shove the speaker away, and my aura flares up like an invisible bubble of unrestrained panic, as it comes into...

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Aberration, Part 2 - Effectively The Beginning

Once I open my eyes and see the sky rather than the ceiling I'm used to, I almost sadden myself with how unsurprised I am. I remember everything all too clearly. My home is in ruins, shattered by the worst aether storm that this world has ever seen....

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Aberration, Part 1 - Not Quite The Beginning

I'm not accustomed to life outside of the city where I was born. Everything was simple and nobody thought eye contact was grounds for biting each other in half. She seemed nice enough at a distance. She was just as quiet as everyone said, and she...

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Aberration, Part 6 - Finally

My captor slides me into her palm, a single thread of saliva acting as the last leash tying me to the prison of her carnivore teeth; it snaps as she holds me out at arm's length. Exposed to the elements once more, I blanket myself in tails to hide my...

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Aberration, Part 5 - Chaos Ensues

After subduing the small crew, we continued our journey east. The pod we had used to get this far had been damaged in the grip of the crane, so the somewhat less subtle Caliphate raid ship has to suffice. It's going to be difficult to explain what...

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