The Bad Penny

Bernard the street sweeper was cleaning along the kerb of East side of the market place, enjoying the pleasant warmth of the amber light of the setting sun. Steadily he worked, clearing up the mess and rubbish left by the hustle and bustle of the...


Voluntary Intelligence

John had received the notice only the day before. "Dear Mr Gallin you are hereby invited to receive your award for your consistent efforts for charity since enrollment." The letter went on, but the gist of it was that they would give him some...


Donate Celebrate

You check the flyer once again, ensuring that you're heading in the right direction. Numerous people seem to be heading the same way, all of them wearing brightly colored shirts with "Donate, Celebrate!" written in large letters on the back. You pick...


Recovery Center

A gentle bell resounded through the courtyard as a friendly voice beckoned others over. "Hello! Are you interested in donating to the Recovery center? We help those who get sick feel better! Anything is appreciated!" A small doe smiled gratefully as a...



Steel and Stone By: Lapsa For: DiggerGallin "Thank you again Ms. Reid for volunteering!" "Of course, when I saw the ad I couldn't resist." Kristen chuckled as she walked with the assistant, eyes darting around the clean white interior. "Though it...


Making The Most of It

Adomm - Making the Most of It John breathed. And breathed again. And continued to do so. Each one getting faster than the last. He scratched his scalp through his short, dark brown hair and squirmed in his seat. Only five minutes to go, but...


For Charity

Heyo, y'all. The following is a short role-play between Drigil (myself) and DiggerGallin (that guy). I play as Darren, the bully character from Donny and the DNA Disease, Chapter 1, and Digger plays as Kerry, a drug-dealing black marketeer...


John and Tyzzy

John and Tyzzy were walking around a mall when they come across an open toy store. They enter into the store looking at all the mysterious things inside. While looking inside they find a rack of plushies. On the shelf they find 2 plushies that are...

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