Chapter Twenty One -- Sakura, Sakura, Hanazakari and Epilogue
Chapter Twenty One -- Sakura, Sakura, Hanazakari _(Cherry Blossom, Cherry Blossom, In Full Bloom)_ Aiko sat at the kitchen table with Benjiro on her lap while her mother made a pot of tea. In the two months since she'd been back, the toddler...
Chapter Eighteen -- Family Matters
Chapter Eighteen -- Family Matters The catamaran pulled out smoothly from the jetty, and Miyatsu swung the wheel to head it north. Then he looked to where Montaro and Mieko were sitting, their expressions just a little too innocent in the...
Chapter Eleven -- Departure
Chapter Eleven -- Departure Miyatsu's prediction concerning the Gigantos on the circuit proved correct. Sisyro and Miyatsu had been the two top contenders; with them both out of the running, the Gigantos powered through the rest of the circuit...
Chapter Twelve -- Island Idyll
**PART THREE** Chapter Twelve -- Island Idyll The shade cloth flapped gently in the breeze, waking Aiko from the light doze she had slipped into. She yawned lazily and turned her head to see if her mother was awake. Fujimoto Kagami was...
Chapter Fifteen -- The Candyman Can
Chapter Fifteen -- The Candyman Can The sound of a door and of footsteps approaching brought Aiko out of her drug-induced doze. She opened her eyes, thinking it was the nurse again. But instead a face she would never have expected came into focus...
Chapters Fourteen -- Paradise Lost
Chapter Fourteen -- Paradise Lost Aiko had been awake since dawn and was relaxing with a second cup of tea in the sun-filled kitchen when the children began to wake and come downstairs for their breakfast. Benjiro was the first to emerge: he...
Chapter Thirteen -- Old Friends
Chapter Thirteen -- Old Friends The Expo was a huge affair, drawing visitors not only from Japan, but overseas as well. The stalls ranged from simple canvass-roofed structures, barely large enough to show off one display, to huge prefabricated...
Chapter Nine -- Jealousy, The Green-Eyed Monster
Chapter Nine -- Envy, The Green-Eyed Monster The Circuit Hotel was a pleasant surprise after the depressing greyness of the hospital. It catered to wealthy GMA owners, and as such was equipped to deal with every contingency, from exotic diets to...
Chapter Two - Sympatico
Chapter Two Sympatico Miyatsu was fascinated by Aiko's small beach house, although by most standards it was modest. The tiny verandah at the front faced towards the nearby beach and was screened with trees. While the city of Kagoshima was within...