Uncertain Chapter 1

Wednesday, end of the morning shift. Closing my laptop, I stood up from my chair and stretched my cramped neck. Truth be told, the past few hours were too tedious to be called work. _Torture would be a better word._ Normally, I enjoy the morning shift...

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Uncertain Chapter 2

_Coffee? Do I smell coffee?_ Slowly waking up, I sniffed the air. It wasn't a dream! The rich smell of mocha drenched my nostrils, as my ears picked up the faint sounds of gurgling and dripping. I laid back on my pillow, relaxing and anticipating...

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Uncertain Chapter 3

My mind stated racing as I reread the words that Marko wrote¬¬¬¬¬ to me: Enjoyed seeing you today. Would like to see you again. Text me. Marko. Hell yeah! I sure would like to see you again. Then I got to thinking: What if he just...

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Uncertain Chapter 4

Early evening on Friday. I finished up the last of the preparations for snack night and took a deep breath. Everything seemed to be all set. The pizzas were made; all I needed to do was to place them in the oven. The snacks were set out, and the array...

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Uncertain Chapter 5

"Surprised?" I echoed back, my tail wagging happily. "Hell, yeah I'm surprised! I didn't think you were coming over." "Changed my mind," Marko said as he walked over to embrace me in a hug. "The work up at the cabin can wait until tomorrow....

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