The Bond

Another little piece of (non-yiff... gasp!) flash fiction from me! There's bigger/more stuff coming, don't worry! Just teasing until we get to the good stuff, heh heh. Hope you enjoy! - Adept Faora P.S: This story is best enjoyed while listening to:...

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Training in Hydromancy

Part two of the not-so critically acclaimed series. Come on people, if you like it, tell me so, dammit! I would like to be told what I can improve, now more than ever. I'm pouring myself into this trilogy. Gimme some feedback. I beg you. In any event,...

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Initiation into Hydromancy

I'm actually taking a break from Chronicles of Sol right now to persue some other projects that I've wanted to get started on for quite some time. Don't worry, there's going to be plenty of your favourite dragoness in upcoming stories, so you'll get...

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A Dragon's Love: Love Denied

Part two of the Dragon's Love series, and I'M SORRY ABOUT THE DELAY! Now you can shut up and leave me alone about how long this took. The first part of the story, as I said then, was a near mirror of my life at the time of writing. Though my life has...

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Darkness Exiled

Thank you to the ONE PERSON who told me what they wanted for the final installment. You got your wish. To everyone else, you should try using your imaginations sometimes. Hope you enjoy! - Faora The twin armies swarmed out onto the...

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Darkness Overwhelming

The second part to the Darkness Trilogy. Sorry it was so long in coming, but hey, you write when you can, right? As always, I hope you enjoy... - Faora It was a solemn group that assembled within the cracked and broken remains of the...

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Darkness Rising

The first in a series of three I'm writing because I'm bored. It's a darker tone than I usually take, but it was...interesting. Hope you enjoy just the same! - Faora The twin armies swarmed out onto the battlefield with cries of rage....

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So, a piece of Flash-Fiction here. "But Fae!" some watchers might cry (cause really, who's gonna notice a clean upload but them? Heh heh), "What about Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special 2011? You promised five, and delivered _four_!" Firstly, I can...

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From Humble Beginnings - Solace

I've been bad. Not in that things I've done have been particularly awful, but specifically I mean I've been bad about writing and uploading. Really bad, and it's sucked. So I'm trying to rectify that right now and better my circumstances as an author...

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Blood And Water Mini - Testing The Waters

2015 can die in a fire. But I'm still alive, and a rage-fuelled night was channeled into a little something for me. Another little gap-bridger for Blood And Water here for you now, since I've definitely not forgotten about these characters. I can't...

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