First Battle

Shika awoke with Balkun next to her the next day and climbed out of bed. The crow girl looked upon her buyer and was a bit surprised at his athletic build. "He wants me to be his wife" she thought as she began to get dressed. She decided to take a walk...

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Fall of count Shal

(adults only please) Oomar and Shika are two slaves to a market who auctions off prey to predators. Oomar is older, being a Albino mouse boy about 17 years of age. He has been a slave for 10 years and his best friend Shika is a young crow girl...

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Wolf and Deer - Prologue - Illustration by Arikla

Prologue Once upon a time, there was a deerwolf. In a way, he still exists. This is the story of the origins of my character, and it will tell you a lot about the person behind him if you know where to look. Let me start from the beginning. Or to be...

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the terrible tragety part 1

runs through the forest the dim moonlight lighting his path as he runs on all fours he comes accros a stream as he begins to lap water up from it the water feeling good on his muzzle then out of the underbrush another lycan appears he rushes to him as...

Wolf and Deer - Part Five - Daring ‾ Illustration by JosePaw

'Tis surprising how often deeds Called a crime against nature Really only require a broader perspective To turn out to be called progress. These limits, these borders - Who set them? It was people Like you and me, now it's up to us To prove them...

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Wolf and Deer - Part Eleven - Heritage

Effect follows cause As thunder follows lightning But if just causes had nice effects only We'd all be living a dream. A sudden pain tearing her out of blissful dreams. Slowly blinking the sleep away, finding herself back in mother's den, all...

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Bleeding Fire: Burning Hearts

I wandered aimlessly down the flaming wreck of the lab, following large bloody pawprints, to large to be anything other than a wild cats. They led to a place where from the twisted and mangled direction of them, looked like the owner had been in a...

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Bleeding Fire: Burning Light

The next morning brought nothing but further darkness. As i regained my senses after a long nights sleep i found Kira Huddled up next to me providing a nice warmth. She didnt seem anything like the fighter i saw last night, she was too peacefull and ....

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Bleeding Fire

"Great job Bloodyeye lets take this route it looks dark and dangerous enough." I had to yell at myself for taking the wrong path through the woods. The same woods i had walked through many times without getting lost until now. The path i had...

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