Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 9
"What has gotten into you?" Alex laughed as she reached for me. I pulled away, backing myself against the rear wall of my cage. She pulled her hand back and cocked her head. "Why are you running?" I couldn't say anything, and my body acted on fear...
Anima Chapter 7
Silence. No one dared say a word. The group sat quietly and waited for someone to say something. All while not wanting to be the first to speak. After about an hour of silence, slowly everyone began to get up and head to bed. I laid down on the...
Anima Chapter 6
"Losing myself" When I think of losing myself, I think of doing things I wouldn't usually do. Maybe even just changing as a person over time. Losing control of yourself is not really what comes to my mind, but there is hardly a better way to...
Anima Chapter 15
"Hello?" I called out to the empty room. But there was no one called back. Looking around, it was as though everyone had taken off and left the house. Nothing seemed out of place. Chairs were neatly put away against their respective tables, couches...
Anima Chapter 14
Laying in bed, I tried all manners of positions, trying to find some way to fall asleep. My heart was racing at the thought of what I had just done. I could still feel something in my throat. I tried my best to get some amount of sleep....
Anima Chapter 12
I jumped as the sound coming from my mouth screeched in the room. My ears rang from the volume of the sound, and I could hear the ringing, which felt like an echo of my voice. Fear gripped me, frozen, unsure of what to do. I stood in the bathroom...
Anima Chapter 11
Three weeks have passed since Jeremy and I found Damien. Three weeks since Benji had his incident. The first snow of the year fell last night. The ground seemed cold enough to keep it from melting on impact. The snow wasn't heavy, leaving only...
Anima Chapter 17
I stood alone. In the middle of the aviary, the sounds of other birds filled the air. No longer able to pick out the sounds from Benji, I listened. While the haphazard mix of bird sounds had no pattern, they did provide a relaxing white noise. I...
Anima Chapter 19
7 AM I climbed out of my bed, standing and stretching for the last time in this room. I didn't have many personal belongings in my room. Most of everything would be given back to my mother in the coming days. Everything else would be collected and...
Anima: The Camping Trip Chapter 4
"Russel!" The half-man-half bear only panted and let out a series of grunts. He began to step closer, falling forward onto his hands- paws. as his paws made contact with the ground, a loud pop echoed through the room. He continued slowly approaching...
Anima: The Camping Trip Chapter 3
Being honest with Russel about what had happened on the boat was difficult. It's hard telling your friend that you thought they would harm you, but THE SITUATION WAS made worse by how you had to stop it. At first, Russel thought I was making stuff up,...