"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Conclusion

\*\*\*\*\* (I/\* 7/22/2013) I could, perhaps, be forgiven the error of supposing that I was in a state of torment in a particularly nasty area of the Netherhells. After all, consider the evidence: I not only smelled sulfur everywhere, but was...

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part H

\*\*\*\*\* (H/\*\* 07/23/2013) There was a long silence after Brother Fenimore's question. After all, it might have been a mere rhetorical device. ["Myself, mine heart bleeds. Have you forgotten the tongue of ancestors and kin?"] ["It...

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part G

\*\*\*\*\* (G/\* 7/21/2013) I had a number of advantages over every other fur that surrounded the entrance to the Crypt. For one thing, I was probably a good deal younger than all but one or two of the monks. For another thing, I probably didn't...

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part E

\*\*\*\*\* (E/\* 7/19/2013) I'll be honest with you: I actually had good reasons and real reasons for "volunteering" with the Marshal for the duty. Certainly, I wanted to figure out who in the Netherhells had cold-cocked Brother Felix, and who...

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part D

\*\*\*\*\* (D/\* 7/18/2013) I didn't get a whole lot out of the book, beyond a jumble of architectural terms and a feeling that when King Irenaeus wanted something done, he didn't set up a commission to do it. His version of the Cathedral had...

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part C

\*\*\*\*\* (C/\* 7/17/2013) I've got an arrangement now with Meadow, a thrice-weekly dinner arrangement. Because of her duties to Dame Eudora, she prefers to keep a close eye on her, especially with the squirrel femme still being only a few...

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part B

\*\*\*\*\* (B/\* 7/16/2013) "Sergeant!! Where in the Netherhells is my lunch, and where in the Netherhells is Winterbough?!" Note the order of importance, there. Sergeant-Major Wing, to whom I had just reported in, gave a soft chirrup...

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"The Thin Line, Part WW (and conclusion)

\*\*\*\*\* For various reasons, it wasn't until about the middle of summer before I could get to the Hall of Ancestors in Albric Tor. By that time, through whatever mysterious process of creation that was used, there was a monument to Sir Jasper...

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"The Thin Line," Part VV

\*\*\*\*\* Meadow had my tunic trousers down around my ankles. Which, of course, sounds like the opening to one of those kinds of novels. No, in this case, it was for the mundane (but decidedly welcome) purpose of cleaning out the leg-wound...

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"The Thin Line," Part UU

\*\*\*\*\* The next sensation I had was being poked gently in my shoulder. I awoke to find the sled-driver using the butt of his riding crop on me. "Sorry t'wake yer, mate, but yer only a 'ero once, right?" He gestured in front of him. "No...

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"The Thin Line," Part TT

\*\*\*\*\* The hardest part of the journey back to the field fortifications was at the very end, when it came to facing Boy Tom, and telling him that his father was dead. I told him the story of how we had faced off with the snipers. Meadow...

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"The Thin Line," Part SS

\*\*\*\*\* In relating to you the story about the Battle of Mossford, I don't want to leave you with one mistaken impression: that Captain Chitterleigh played no role in the battle. Not only would that be untrue, it would be grossly unjust to...

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