Valium & Vodka: Chapter Twelve

The emptiness of the apartment breathed with an air of death's presence in Kelvin's life when he woke up in Reid's bed. It smelled like him, which was why after nearly falling asleep at the wheel on his way back to the apartment, Kelvin had crashed...

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Valium & Vodka: Chapter Eleven

Reid's brain had gone into hyperdrive. Tan-furred hands quivered and shook like those of a man three times his age as he tried to push a 13mm deep socket onto a hex nut holding an exhaust manifold in place. He could hear the tool laughing at...

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In The Doghouse: Chapter Six

It had been four months since Blaine had nearly fainted from the reading on the drug store pregnancy test. She'd gone through no less than three more before an appointment with her OB/GYN confirmed that she was in fact pregnant. She was beginning to...

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In The Doghouse: Chapter Five

When asked about the racing event previously discussed, Dr. Soto received a momentary widening of the eyes and an emphatic exhalation from the dog sitting across from her. Reid stretched his arms out over the back of the couch and leaned back into it...

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In The Doghouse: Chapter Three

Vance was no-billed. In light of the evidence and testimonies of DPE employees, the grand jury did not see fit to indict the pit bull on homicide charges. When the verdict was read, Vance sighed with a breath he'd been holding since he learned that...

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In The Doghouse: Final Chapter

_One month later..._ _"Not a day goes by that I don't think about it."_ _ _ _ Reid sat on the couch in Dr. Soto's office as relaxed as he could be, his arms outstretched over the back of the overstuffed leather sofa. He wet his lips. Sighed....

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In The Doghouse: Chapter Eighteen

Reid learned the difference between a grocery store and the emergency room that day. You didn't worry about finding a good parking spot when there was an emergency. Reid swung that Mustang into an awkward stop on the edge of the drive where...

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In The Doghouse: Chapter Ten

Cruel and unusual punishment, thy name is a crying baby. Vance awoke at the ungodly hour of zero-two-hundred, red-eyed and hoping that Blaine would shuffle out of bed and tend to Kaitlin, who was calling for them in the way babies do for the third...

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In The Doghouse: Chapter Nine

Another four months had come and gone. Paul had receded into the depths of seclusion once more. After a tearful visit to the shop, he'd hugged his protégé and disappeared again, headed for the forests of Southern Wyoming. Erin had apologetically...

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In The Doghouse: Chapter Eight

Reid stared at a blank wall in his house and figured that it would be a perfect spot for a fireplace, assuming that a fireplace would ever be needed for the seventy-degree Christmases known almost exclusively to Californians. While a fireplace was out...

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