Castaways - Chapter 3
The sound of seagulls squawking away outside of the small crew room that he and his friend Nick had taken over brings Jason out of his slumber. He lies there in bed for a moment, trying to rub the sleep from his eyes, before he remembers that Nick came...
Castaways - Chapter 2
Nick clutches his drawing bag tightly as he tries to balance out the weight of the big duffle bag that is slung around his shoulder. He looks out and down the road of his boringly average neighborhood, nervously yet anxiously awaiting the arrival of...
Castaways - Chapter 1
A battle emerges on a white plain. From the left swells a great army of furs, swords and shields in hand and all wearing white tabards over gleaming chain mail. From the right comes a darker army of furs holding battle-axes and long spears topped with...
Castaways - Chapter 6
Nick's ears perk up and swivel around as he pokes his head out from his and Jason's room. His acute hearing only picks up on the light snoring from Jason's mother as she slumbers in her room at the stern of the ship. Carefully, he pushes the old wooden...
Castaways - Chapter 5
At first, the soft whining that Jason kept hearing was lost amongst his half awake and half asleep state. It wasn't until the fuzzy little wolf he was cuddling jolted in his sleep and whined a little louder that Jason blinked his sleepy eyes open and...
Castaways - Chapter 4
Dark, looming clouds huddle overhead as the old Spanish sailing ship carefully maneuvers it's way into the marina and to an open dock large enough for the vessel. Seagulls squawking away, flee the dock as the group comes down the docking ramp and makes...
Castaways - Chapter 8 (Clean)
Shuffling of heavy bedsheets and little foot pads across the room drag Jason back from his slow descent into sleep. His ears swivel a little at the sound of the heavy lock on the crew's quarters door being set into place followed by silence. Just as...