Freebird:Childhood: Chapter 3: New beggining..

I have not been in the mood to write anything lately, so here is a something short. nothing more. nothing less. if it makes no sense, then eh. Anyway, you know the drill, don't like it, deal with it. like it, leave a comment and maybe...

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Freebird: Childhood: Chapter 2: Happy Birthday!

(I would like to state now. I hold NO religious views, I have nothing against those who do. If anything I have said in these stories offends you, please. Leave a unhappy comment then get flamed by those who enjoyed it. But, apart from that. I...

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MidnightSun chapter 5: Derek?

Derek looked down at the topless fox in the doorway.. was he half pink? Wait..!? " Hello Sparrow. May I ask why you are **here**...?!" Derek put emphasis on the last part, but Sparrow didn't notice. Some part of Sparrow knew he should...

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Midnight sun Chapter 3: New beggining

Sparrow woke up slowly in a soft bed, soft sheets and with a horrid stench up his nose. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked around. He didn't know where he was, he didn't know why he was there.... He didn't know who he...

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