God of Hunger chapter 12-18
# Chapter 12: The Call to Arms The doors slam to the storage room. Trash and Spooky pile boxes up behind them to hold the doors shut. Spooky looks at Jacob. "Why the hell did we bring a corpse in here with us?" He points at him nonchalantly. "We...
Imprefect thoughts and in imerfect mind
Dustin Feyder Instructor: Kaelie Farrah Intro. To Creative Writing Writing Prompt 01/14/19 "Imaginative Writing" Chapter 1 page 1 'Warm Up.' draft # 1st Imperfect thoughts and in Imperfect Mind I was recently in a class. My instructor, who asked...
Ariving at Nowhere Hotel
Dustin Feyder Instructor: Kaelie Farrah Intro. To Creative Writing Entry 1 01/14/19 Constraint based story telling draft # 1st story told with an artificial restriction on the writer Ex. A book with no word with the letter 'E' in it. Method...
Nowhere Hotel: the frist floor
Nowhere Hotel: The First Floor The door falls inward, I fall through. The lights slowly turn on. I am face down on the carpet. Deep, dark and red. The thick fibers of the rug are almost long enough for a man to grip in his fist. I look side to side...
R/7 Lost Heaven
# Lost Heaven ## Part 1 Gerry meets up with his friends at the transport station. Danny, a falcon boy, Chase the mouse, the cat Tan (who brings Lydia with him), the fox Mynxs, the coyote Monday, and the wolf Lee. Gerry claps and looks over his...
R/7 Wolf that wanted to be a sheep part 1
# The Wolf That Wanted to be a Sheep ## part 1 Lee, Garry and Sentinel have decorated Lee's dorm room to be fake 1960's style hospital. Garry lays on a gurney still dressed in his black coat and "Ride the Lighting" tee-shirt. Sentinel has used...
The Glowing chapter 3
Chapter 3 In sixth grade, Austin's favorite class might have been P.E., not because he licked sports but because almost everyone he knew had P.E. fifth period. The exceptions being: Joe and his brother Ben who both had it the first period and Sarra...
The Glowing Chapter 2
**Chapter 2** Nerves are shaken, the bedrock or reality eroding away, a lifetime of nightmare conspire to invoke crippling anxiety. Austen runs down the street to the bus stop, past the burned down store. Briskly he follows the curb to distances...
Red Twilight World Walker Chapter 2 Into Nothing
**Chapter 2** **Into the Nothing** Charlie awakens, he feels no pain, he feels nothing at first it seems. Slowly his head turns form side to side taking in the ambiences. The stars in the sky are distant, so much so that galaxies and nebula are...
Red Twilight: the avatar Awakend Chapter 5
**Chapter 5** Blood For Days Meyu trains Razuki, teaching him what she is, and now what he is. The Methuselah have most of the powers of your typical vampire; superhuman strength, the ability to jump ten stories straight up, to see though walls,...
Red Twilight: the avatar Awakend Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Track 2: Walk alone After his meeting with Walker, Mac catches a flight back to what passes for home. Around 1940 he had purchased a storage locker compound in the suburbs of what was then St. Paul Minnesota, after redrawing of property...
Red Twilight: The Avatar Awakend Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Track 1: Phantom Reign Several days ago, Razuki Lowe, the man called N, was called to Russia to assist N.A.T.O. in a routine examination of a power plant. It is considered common practice to have along a intelligences agent almost any time...