a five nights at Freddy’s fanfic (short)

On a cold night freddy fazbear's pizza it was quiet the lights were out the time just turned 12 AM. Since the last guy that watched the cameras was promptly tooken care of the guys were able to freely roam where ever they wanted without anything...

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three days part 6

the guys and master splinter quickly help me and and take me to a room and did all they could to help and 9 hours later i wake up and i barely could raise my body i seen Donnie sitting over at the other side reading a book. (December) "mmph...

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three days part 5

(December) "sup Mikey." (Mikey) "hey December." (December) "so whats up." (Mikey) "just taking a shower.... i have noticed something and it is getting me suspish." (December) "like what?" (Mikey) "i think Raph and Leo are going to play a prank on...

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three days part 3

(December) "hey watch out on how you eat it or your going have a belly full of pain \*i walk back into the kitchen and grab another bowl and a glass of sweetened water\*" i walk to master splinters room and walk in and lay the food in front of him and...

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three days part 2

a green turtle with a blue mask over his eyes with two swords one in each hand he had. (December) "who are you supposed to be." (Leo) " you don't need to know." (December) " so i'm guessing your looking for a fight, i as well before he...

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three days

three days i walked down the streets at night looking out for hollows feeling numb to anything thanks to what i seen just a few days ago when i left the soul society seeing his face and body i knew that there was nobody beside me in this...

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