The Coffin: Part 4

Throb... Throb... Throb... Marcus took each step at a measured, careful pace, each footfall causing his broken arm to twinge in pain. The spiral staircase that lead away from the treasure room was as steep as a mountain and so tightly wound that it...

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Through a Screen

Another day on my computer. I lost count of exactly how many hours I'd wiled away in front of my screen. TV Tropes, Game wikis, YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit, even Wiki-Fucking-Pedia reading about who knows what. Of course there was Tail-Ups....

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\*Crunch\* \*Boom\* "You're done," I mutter to no one in particular. The deep, satisfying drumbeat of a successful parry rang through my speakers. I had my headphones in but my mic was off. Dark Souls pvp. Again. Not unusual for me. There was...

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Some part of me wanted to think about it as a dream. That it never actually happened. But it certainly did happen. It was probably worse for James. I remember the first time I was dealing with my quote-unquote "gay thoughts." Was it worse or better for...

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The Coffin: Part 3

Marcus awoke, still sore, his arm sending sharp twinges through his whole body. He blinked blearily. So it certainly wasn't a dream, as Astari was alert as he sat on his podium. "Good morning," groaned Marcus, rolling his left shoulder to coax the...


An Exert from the Crimson Veil

The smell of rot, smoke, sewage, decay, and something more indistinct that one could only describe as the smell of poverty, filled the air. Angry shouts, the pleading of panhandlers, and the coughs of the sick mingled with the malodorous air to make...

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The Coffin: Part 2

The sound of dripping water rang around the cavern as well as the light burble of a tiny stream over rocks. There was also an ambient ringing sound that Marcus couldn't identify. _Wait... why am I hearing anything? I fell, didn't I? Why am I even...

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The Coffin: Part 1

Marcus sighed. Here he was... it was known only as The Coffin. Well, it was a coffin. Who knows how many adventurers had made this forsaken pit their final resting place? The wolf sat shirtless in front of his small bonfire, brooding into the tongues...

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The Coffin: Part 8

Marcus took each step of the steep spiral staircase at a rapid pace. The weight of Nimbus on his back actually aided his speed, counterbalancing him during his swift descent. His eyes itched, and his heart was beating faster than normal. He should've...

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The Coffin: Part 7

Marcus only vaguely remembered returning to Astari's prison. It was mostly a sense of profound exhaustion than physical pain. His haze was punctuated by the shattering of crystal, a warm blue glow, and a sense of soothing respite. The wolf took his...

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The Coffin: Part 6

Marcus awoke, stiff and weary as if he hadn't slept at all. Groaning a little, he clenched his eyes shut, wishing he had somewhere more comfortable to sleep than a pile of gold. "You look awful," rumbled a deep, melodic voice from above him. "Well...

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The Coffin: Part 5

With a heavy pant, Marcus crossed the threshold of the mountainous spiral staircase and into the brightly lit treasure room. "I... I -_heh - heh_- I did it... I got -_pant_- I got... got the seal..." His voice was strained, half delirious with...

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